Amey’s Taxi has car seats available in some of its vehicles.
Please note that if you call in requesting a car seat, that there could be long wait times associated. Again, this is because we are limited on cars carrying car seats and we never know where our taxis will be in the city when they get your call.
*The law does not require the taxi driver to provide a child car seat. When travelling in a taxi with a child, you should provide your own child car seat or booster seat.
What are the seatbelt and child car seat requirements in taxis?
As a passenger in a taxi, you need to wear a seatbelt. Passengers 16 years of age or older can face a fine of $240 for not wearing a seatbelt.
Taxi drivers are responsible for making sure passengers under the age of 16 are using seatbelts properly. Otherwise, they can be facing a fine of $240 and two demerit points on their driver record.
Taxi drivers are exempt from the child car seat and booster seat requirements when transporting passengers for hire, except if they are:
- transporting children for personal reasons
- operating a taxi while under contract with a school board or other authority for the transportation of children
Although taxis are exempt from having to provide car seats/booster seats, they are still by law, allowed to transport children: Children under 3 years of age can travel without a child’s car seat or seat belt, but only in the back seat. Children aged 3 years or older can travel without a child’s car seat if they wear an adult seat belt.